Thursday, March 28, 2019

CROB - New cookie and Guild system!

Hi Guys,Y'know...I've been thinking but i should tell to you that i'm terribly sorry for not updating stuffs and shit,but anyways i'm going to deliver some news today!

Finally they give us a new system and we can join any kinds of guilds in the new update!You also can make a guild of your own,but you have to spend 2000 to make one.I already build my own guild so please send me your id so i could invite you or search my guild's name,'Ichipit Guild'
Pls join i feel lonely lol

And also we get ourself a new cookie & pet,Purple Yam and his pet Firestarter

To unlock them,you must reach land 7 on Trophy race,And i forgot to tell that we got a new treasure!

And also Milk cookie is there too but probably we can get her in the next events i guess....So that's all i'm going to say!

Once again sorry for my absence y'all;;;;

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