Friday, March 1, 2019

[FANART] You're not alone [UPDATE]No.7 - Crossover Story

To be honest,this is my old art back in January and yeah i have no motivations to draw at this point so please forgive me.

And also i'm planning to post my crossover story called "No.7",one of irl friends at the college encouraged me to make the story about it since she liked my crossover,so yeah i made the story since my rl friend told me to do it and i'm planning to post chapter 1 and 2 today.

So in each chapter i'll put the same warning like this below:

  • This story might contain some spoiler from the game,please play Taiko Wii2 or SDR2 first before reading my crossover story.
  • Might be Out of context since it's a goddamn crossover.
  • Game has personal shippings and headcanons so please watch out.
  • Crossover included.I know i already warn this but i have to tell you again
Thanks for reading this.

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