Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Stuff happened,literally....

Sorry for not updating lately,I've been in a bad mood lately orz.....

But aside from that,i heard that there's this two people in Japan just snatched one of the Taikos from the Taiko arcade machine?????At first it went viral on Twitter but for some reason it got into the news lmao

Also,about not posting too much,i've been attending to my beloved Grandma's funeral.I still can't believe the fact that she passed away in a few weeks ago.I know it's hard to accept but i have to move on...

She's the only grandma that i had,She's good at giving life advice and a good baker.Since she likes baking,she always sent cakes and treats to my house.

I want to told her that she needs a break from baking,but i think she doesn't want to do that since she's enjoying her hobby.

Still can't believe she passed away though,i hope she'll be happy up there now...

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