Sunday, September 22, 2019

[FANART] - The Good,The Bad and The ******** (OSO 3 Spoilers)

Y'know we have like 3 Open Source Object episodes so far,I'm not sure which one is the best but this post is dedicated to episode 3!!


Please watch the episode below to continue

And also i warning u nerd this is the last fuckin warning

Ok so this episode????Great.I finally feel bad about Glowing heart thanks to Cologne for using her like that...

Inhaler?Yes,He deserves better.I wish he's not the one who got eliminated.I already know from one of my friends who do some animation part on Oso but still.I still hate the fact that Inhaler got eliminated...

Y'know i describe their duel from eps 3 like this and i'm so sorry lmao

Anyways,i drew two more arts about the episode.Dang i love how Tart's hair(or maybe cream hair) and this episode also made me love Censored box so much;;;

And also Holly during her play made me want to ship Toaster now...

[FANART] - We believe in you Woody! (BFB 14 Spoilers)

So Bfb 14 is out in the last month ago and i had to draw something.I rarely draw something related to the show but after i entered object shows fandom...


Another warning:Watch this before continuing.

Basically this is where things get a bit emotional.When i watched this episode i feel mixed,but also sympathy towards characters that i hate.Book was my favorite character when i see her in Bfdia and the 3 first episode of Bfb.I still can't believe that her attitude towards Taco is a total ass until this episode came and hit me like a truck.

Seeing Naily's apologized for stabbing Woody 7 years ago(Original BFDI) warms my heart.Just as soon they found an escape(along with Cake and Coiny),things getting sad a little bit.But at least Woody made BEEP safe by getting an emerald in Four's eyeball...

Anyways here's a fanart of it bc darnit i hurt my own feelings drawing this

[ARTPILES] - Varied object show fanarts

Open source Objects,Battle of the Objects and Battle for BFDI/Battle for Dream Island arts that i drew back around Mid August - End August (???)

Man...This fandom is somewhat better than Taiko or even Pokemon though;;;The people that i found on Instagram is very nice....I'm glad that i joined this fandom lmao

Haven't drumming for a while

Dang...It's been awfully a long long month i took a break from playing Taiko and i haven't drew any single art of it.

I'm pretty sure some of my friends don't like that not related to object stuffs since it doesn't suit them.

I miss Taiko discussion but sadly nobody cares atm so i should go with the flow.I drew Taiko stuffs sometimes but not that much....I should fix that....

...Including my Taiko skills though orz

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

[FANART] - Leafy

Leafy is officially one of my big faves in bfdi/bfb.I Ngl she's one character that i could sometimes relate to myself.I know some characters hated her including the previous team on bfb,but she's trying her best to be a lovable.

And also i wanted to say this to Leafy:"You're lovable,Your fans loved you so much..."

The 3rd President....

During my holiday,there's a sudden news and today is the date where Mr.Habibie passed away....

We have 3 months left before 2020 comes and this news is all of the sudden.The only i could say is that,even though he's a president for a year,he's a hardworking man and did his best.

Thank you to Mr.Habibie,Rest in peace sir...

Tropical paradise update

Well i shouldn't abandon this site but anyways,I'm taking some trip in Bali for 6 days.Probably i might draw less often;;;;;

But anyways i had fun in Bali....Even though i don't really enjoy Pork that much bc it's too oily for me to handle...

Object shows Review

Sorry for not posting updates and such bcecause i kept forgetting about this blog.But anyways,Iøm gonna review some things in BFDI/BFB series.

So we all knew that BFDI/BFB,Inanimate insanity and any object shows other object shows...They have stuffs like contests,elimination and stuffs....Well Literally most object shows are like that though...But each object shows have differences though.The storyline like each characters' interaction and humors are way different.


  • To each object shows that i'd say,The characters that i often hate the most is the Hosts.Don't blame me but any characters who acts like a dipshit,There's a chance i will hate them.MePhone4 is kinda acts like a jerk towards Toilet.He's trying his best to be a good assistant but....BUT......Dang man shitøs getting dark....
  • Some characters can't chill like...Book and Trophy,They need to stop being a dipshit at least.After watching the latest eps of BFB.Book is trying to change at least but if it ain't happening,My vote for her for BFB 15 probably won't be wasted.
  • There's also a big character development which i found it pretty goddamn emotional and interesting.Balloon is one of the characters from II series that i hated first.Then I watched season two and absolutely feel bad about him.He tried to change and made up with everyone because He felt that it was wrong,Sadly no one trusted him about it.OJ didn't let him enter his Hotel,left Alone in the rain...I'm glad that Suitcase cared about him.
  • About BoTO(Brawl of The Objects),The animation isn't that good.But the story itself has funny things,I saw a lot of things that made me laugh and yes.They should make season 2 though,since it's funny.Baguette and Boat is one of my faves and gotta say that when the subtitles cares about him is very legit lmao

I hope i'll try to rate other object shows too...

[FANART] Grandfather & GrandDaughter

Thank you for putting him back devsis.I love him so much,including Gingerbright.... Before you're asking why i called Bright is g...