Saturday, October 12, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 11th Day

Hello....This post might contain vent stuffs because this inktober describes it.

Day 11:Shattered

It all started when i was working on my college assignment and....i was like talking and played a bit with my two of my friends.I still like kept working with assignment and i didn't stop literally.Then my teacher just accused us for mocking and she thinks it's a bad behavior.Yes,We all know that not everyone likes being mocked,but when it comes to make fun of someone,we didn't use bad words of bad things that made other people feel bad.

Tbh,Cctv these days can be viewed on phone.But sometimes it doesn't mean that i didn't work the assignment.And also it's just feels lonely when you always work with a lot of voice all of the time.

Y'know i'm starting to hate college,i entered in because my teacher from senior high suggested me to do what i can since i'm having fun with it and it's not fun as you expected.

....i'm probably might get out from there on my 20th birthday if possible.Since i'm tired for being misundertsood things.

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