Thursday, October 31, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 30th Day

Alumi is such a fun character,i almost forgot about her since i mostly focused on Teruru and Katsu.But i managed to draw her yesterday.

Personally,I think that Teruru fits in this art instead.I agree,but also i realized that i haven't gave Alumi the attention that she deserves.I wanted to draw Teruru in here but i wanted to change it into Alumi.

You know,I always imagining that after events of Taiko Wii 2.I was thinking that even though Alumi is a robot that was built by Dr.Waruru,she thinks that she should kept an eye on Teruru since her other twin still can't get over for what bad things that Waruru did to her.Professor Otowa taught the right things that she should do.Even though she's sad,Alumi just kept smiling.She just doesn't like to show her that she's also sad for things that made her sad,She kept smiling since she is a Mood booster.

This is probably most of you when you're having a breakdown,including myself.Sometimes you had to hide your sadness.I often do it all of the time because i don't like to share personal problems publicly,i mostly don't trust other people that much unless it's my close friends.

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