Thursday, October 10, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 8th and 9th Day

This post is a special one because this is an actual art that i drew that's Jojo themed
Day 8:Victory Pose

Day 9:Smoking

During the 8th day of Inktober,i wanted to draw one of my favorite characters from part 3 since it's one of my favorite parts.So i made a quick vote by using the items that reminds me of them(Iggy is also included),they voted "Cherries" the most.That means I should draw Kakyoin for day 8.And then i just saw the poll results that they also voted a lot for "Dolphins",So i decided that i should draw Jotaro for the 9th day ;;v;;

If you don't know why i drew them like this,i was testing certain arstyle that one of my Mutuals did + using Yukiko Yokoo's style.It was fun to do but...It almost killed my phone orz

I also decided to make a matching Icon w/ Yuki on Instagram again since she did it last year a lot uwu

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