Wednesday, January 1, 2020

[FANART] Grandfather & GrandDaughter

Thank you for putting him back devsis.I love him so much,including Gingerbright....

Before you're asking why i called Bright is granddaughter...Here's the screenshot that i took from the Cookie run - Hanja run(?) That's translated.Thanks uwu)/


Look i don't wanna to return in the Pokemon fandom BUT Y'KNOW WHAT FUCK IT LMAO

Since Sword and Shield is out around 2 months,I'm starting to draw few pokemon fanarts as well....Probably i'll draw more new pokemons if possible orz

*nervous Indonesian noises for getting pokemon fandom PTSDs*

Happy new year 2020!!!

So it's new year 2020 huh?This year i gotta post more things in this blog very often....

This day isn't any regular new year because this year is also marked as 10th anniversary of BFDI and Hinata Hajime's birthday!!!

Sorry i don't have that much time to draw for Hinata's birthday but i have this artwork that i managed to finish exactly on midnight which it's new year lmao

2019 isn't a good year for me because there's so many things that happening to me that makes me unhappy.But there's also good things like i managed to get my art featured in II's video,Hanging out with my squad back in senior high,Nippon day and anything that's good.I hope 2020 isn't being a dick towards my life and to everyone too.

Happy new year 2020!!!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019

[FANART] - Snow

Hello...I totally almost forgot abt Cookie run;;;But finally i managed to make a fanart of it!!!They're babies don't @ me

The Challenger Deep - Katsu and Ricochet

In this au,Katsu had a whale friend named Ricochet.I'll tell more details later if possible but he's a humpback whale.

Probably i should make a reference sheet for Ricochet later....

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Challenger Deep - The only thing that i can do for you is....

"Sorry for bothering you and your daughter-Don..."

Tbh i had to draw another scene from my dream where Katsu pushed away Jotaro and...He got hit by a truck instead.Jotaro was confused at that point where he saw many people gathered near the truck and when a person told him about what happened

He can stop time if possible but he's too exhausted after went home.

Probably this drawing will haunt me forever bc i was planning to give this story a R-15 rating due to some sensitive stuffs or gore.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Challenger Deep - Jotaro's regret

"What do you want?I thought you hated kids like me-Don..."

"Being pissed from a tiny accident because a Taiko drum was trying to be friends with you and forced him not to get near his daughter again.Later on his vent went viral on twitter,Saved you from an accident and almost got himself in a near-death situation AND he actually ran left the hospital without full rest."

"Way to go Mr.Jojo...You've ruined someone's chance to know you better...You had to fix this."

This is a vent that i drew in the last few weeks ago.I've been pressured so much + anxiety attacks.But somehow it gave me an idea where how Katsu tried to know about Jotaro more.

The Challenger Deep - Encounter the Beluga whales

So my rl friend (A.K.A @707_kuroyuki) asked me to do a story of this crossover au or whatever is this...Where Katsu befriended with ocean man Jotaro (This take place where main protags in Stone ocean survives but we'll get to that part how they survived later)

So each time i'll try to draw certain scenes that'll explain the story because i lost my skill at writing stories.I won't post the art on twitter or instagram because i'm pretty sure that my followers don't like when i post stuffs like this.So i'll post my Aus in here and my personal facebook.

Btw 'The Challenger Deep' is the Au's name.

Kakyoin's outfit...?????

Y'know i'm kinda confused bc everyone talked about Kak and when i was researching stuffs about it...Suddenly i went feral because it's beautiful asf?????Holy shit and also it turned me on

He also got his 2 cherries for each ear back????HOLY SHIT BLESS

I know Kakyoin doesn't look like back just like part 3 comic but dANGIT ARAKI THANKS SO MUCH i love the fact that he got this new outfit that made me turned on for some reason-

And also bonus 30 min doodle of Kak bc i love him so much;;;;

[FANART] Grandfather & GrandDaughter

Thank you for putting him back devsis.I love him so much,including Gingerbright.... Before you're asking why i called Bright is g...