Monday, March 18, 2019

Q&A Session with Ichipit - Part 1

 "Hello!The Name's Ichipit Yoshino!Nice to Meetcha!"

If you're reading this,thanks for sending some question!Ichipit was glad to receive your questions from you guys!

So i opened the Q&A on my IG and FB since i'm not sure if most of my friends will send question on Insta that much so i opened it on FB too.For those who send me questions on FB,i will use your initials or your internet names.

Questions from Instagram

  • From Kanatahiba:"This is random but,what's your recommendation on ice cream flavor?"

"Didja just ask about ice cream?I prefer gelato because it's far natural than usual ice creams that y'all see everyday,But since you're askin' about what flavor that i should recommend to ya...I'd say Strawberry,Matcha and nuts flavored ice creams is heckin' good!"

  • From perneflakes:"Can you dance?"
"Sorry...I can't dance.If i tried,probably i'd step on ya toes..."

  • From vanilla_kuru:
  1. "Favorite music/soundtrack in le game you playing?"
  2. "*_* Favorite color?"
  3. "LOLIS OR SHOTAS? :0"
"First,i love how Taiko team put t+pazolite and GReeeen into the game,if you're readin' this please listen to their albums!"

"Secondly,My favorite color is anythin' that's red or green because i love it soooooooo much!!!"

"And the last question...Sorry i'm not into Lolis or Shotas..."

  • From kayleestarred:
  1. "How was Yuraton as a Friend?"
  2. "On scale 1-10,how scary is it to save your friend from Waruru?"
"Didja ask about Yuu-chan?She's one friendly Taiko even though i could be a total jerk with my savage talk,She still sticks with me as an ol' friend..."

"And about how scary when it comes to dealing with jerks,includin' that Dr. Fuckin' 'No Fun Allowed' Waruru,i'll give ya this ratin' as a honest answer."
"That jerk is gettin' stronger than before and imma piss the fuck outta myself"

  • From trusliem:"Are u continue to college or nah?"
"Nah...I already found my talent and that's gardenin'..."
(Author's note:Yeah i went to college and i took animation lessons tbh)

Questions from Facebook:

  • From Sizzlepop:"WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?!"
"I'm just an average Taiko who's been workin' on a garden for 4 years,even though i'm not admittin' that...Thankie!!
  • From sr.pomidor:"Are u gay?"

"Just kiddin',I'm Pan!"
  • From Fisch:"Can i travel the world with you?Idk what question is this XD"
"I'd love to do that dude,but sadly i don't have that much money,rip our asses my friend..."
  • From HighonCoffee:"Is that a leaf on your head o3o?"
"Yeah,It's a leaf on my head,i could shapeshift into anythin' with it,but i'm still practicin'"
  • From Annie:"Something do you like to eat or do you like cooking??"
"Actually...I only cook jam,includin' strawberry jam...But i don't eat that much..."
  • From Sir-Ghaboot:"Dare to play or watch something horror?
"I don't want to do this alone so please accompany me when it comes to horror stuffs!"
  • From Archimbek:"What's your hobby Ichipit? OwO"

"Gardenin' is my hobby!Please don't forget it dontcha?After all,That's my only specialty!"
  • From Trimint:"Something that you liked to do?"
"Let's see...Honestly i love hangin' out with Yuu-chan,other than that is helpin' Otowa-san with those twin robots or gardenin'."
  • From Zet:"Can i pat you ouo?"
"Well i don't mind but...I prefer hugs..."
  • From Yos:"Can you describe me? XD"
"I'm not good at describin' other creatures or even my own self,sorry cute human.."
(Author's note:You're a good person who tried his best to help people,Keep it up!)
  • From Gergaji mesin:"What game do you like?
"I love Rhythm and RPG genres!"

Thanks for sending some questions to her,and i hope you happy with it!See you on the next Q&A!

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