Friday, March 8, 2019

[No.7] Chapter 1 - The Robot

Finally i could post this asap because i kept the story file inside this college's computer for so long...I've been busy for the past few days and i'm still trying to continue the story tbh.But i hope you enjoyed it!

It’s been a while after every robot is free from Dr.Waruru’s control,including Alumi and Teruru.These days are better for each robot thanks to Professor Otowa,Don and Katsu.Alumi now works at the studio as a news announcer,Teruru works as a cleaning duty and also a secret agent alongside with Katsu and Maou.Even they have big jobs like that,they still helped Otowa to keep a lookout for Waruru since they still have a grudge on him.
What happened to the rest of the robots?Antimon is working to help children at the festival happy,Yttrium finally joined the singing section for the festival crowd,Gallium&Germa works as a food committee,and Tantal&Tungsten helped people with their heavy loads.
One day,Teruru went back to the lab very early.Alumi was very surprised about her own decision that she actually quits at her own job as a secret agent.
“But why Though?I thought you liked to work in there?You have Kat-chan and Maou-san as your friends right-Ro?”
Teruru felt a little bit down when she ask about that,She made Alumi feel more and more worried about herself.Teruru knew that she’s Alumi’s other twin but 24 hours younger.She shouldn’t make her more and more worried.

“Alumi,it’s ok.I still have my cleaning job right?”Said Teruru with a smile
“Yeah but…”
“The boss said that if I want to come back,He’ll accept me back.I’m fine but I think I need to take some jobs easy.”
“I’ve not meet your boss and wow he’s very kind to you though…But still if something happens please tell me ok?I can help you anytime Teruru-Nanora!”

Teruru nodded and started to clean the whole lab.

After finished cleaning,She started to feel a little bit guilty for not telling Alumi the truth.Teruru made an excuse on purpose,so Alumi won’t ask another question.She did that so she don’t have to worry about Her being left alone at the agency after Maou and Katsu didn’t bother her anymore.Teruru quitted her job not because she’s jealous with their popularity,but she just wanted them to work together with her again like old times.
“Alumi I know that you’re worried but I’m very sorry if I had to lie again.”She whispered to herself.
          She’s done with the cleaning and now,she can go home.She said a farewell to both Otowa and Alumi before going home.Huh?Teruru’s home you’re asking?Actually she made another lie,but this is an old one.She does have a home but she didn’t live at any sort of apartement or any livable places,She lived in a Dumpster.
“Whew…I’m home I guess...?”
          Teruru let out an sigh and lay down on the old matress and there’s a few pillows that has the stuffings went out that she always use,at least she can sleep since it’s pretty reuseable.Beside her there’s a clover plant,A magic clover plant.Teruru’s own lucky charm and friend.Some people would call him a weirdo for having this plant.Yttrium kept suggesting the other robots except Alumi to don’t come near her.Even though she said that the plant made her lucky,nobody thinks that’s true.Does Luck are myths?For most people but not for Teruru.                            

“I know I’m a weirdo for that…So that’s why I don’t have friends huh..?Someday I’ll prove to them that it’s real.”

          The robot took a book and it’s a personal old journal.She then took a pen and start writing about her life as usual.She can’t express her feelings that much,Dr.Waruru made her suffer too much and it made her can’t express anything that she felt because y’know what most bad humans say…’Robots doesn’t have feelings’,Nuff said.
          She wrote a lot of things in her journal,it contains a lot of old past memories from the beginning of her life.

          ‘[Day 001XX,0X March 20XX]’

          ‘Today is between worst and good day.I don’t know where should I start but I quitted at my own job that I love thanks to Maou-sama and Kat-chan for leaving me behind.As a result I wasn’t being bothered by them anymore.It was a big decision that I made,but I had to because I don’t want to be jealous of them since everyone praised them a lot.At least my boss still watched over me.He’s somehow very kind to let me go,but he’s somehow regretted for doing that.’
          ‘Once I got back to the lab,Alumi started to ran towards me and got worried when I told her that I quitted at the agency.But I told her that the boss still welcomes me if I come back.That’s the truth but I didn’t tell her the whole truth.I sometimeskept asking why she cared about me.Maybe because we’re twins or..?’
          ‘I’m still not sure about that but if Alumi found out that I lived in a dumpster or anybody else,probably she’ll be pissed for that.I can’t tell the actual reason about why I lived in here.But still,tomorrow is another day and I hope this magic clover plant that I found on the other day gives me better things.’
Teruru finished writing things that happened today on the journal.She didn’t only hope for a better tomorrow,but she also hoped that she could meet someone new that could treat her as a friend,at least or whatever that's nice.

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