Friday, March 8, 2019

[No.7] Chapter 2 - Day Off and Unique Boys

I totally forgot to tell that there'll be a double post.But still i hope you liked it though...

Teruru still can’t believe she just quitted at her own Job,she knew that it’s a big decision for her.For Teruru,Life is getting more and more desperate after Maou and Katsu forgot about bothering her,but she still not giving up after she got her freedom from Dr.Waruru’s controls.So she will try again until she get what she wanted.
          She went to Otowa’s lab today for another work.Once she arrived at the lab,Otowa greeted her as usual and he wants to tell something to her.

“Teruru,I know you just quitted at your job.No need to explain for that but…You’re okay with this?”
“It’s okay professor,The boss missed me but he welcomed me if I returned.”
“Look kid,If you still tired from thinking too much yesterday,Alumi told me that you should get a day off.”

Teruru froze for a second.Day off???She thought that this is a dream but actually it’s not.It’s an actual day off.She shook her head as a result of being surprised and happy.
“Yes it’s a day off for you for 2 days.”
“Is it ok Otowa-Sama?Who’s going to be in charge of-“
Before Teruru can finish her words,The professor cut her conversation.And hands over some money around 3000 yens for her to spend during day off.

”Alumi-chan said that she’s going to be in charge with it.She’s not working at the studio since there’s some technical difficulties going on for a week.So don’t worry,go out there and have fun for today and tomorrow!”
“…Thank you Otowa-Sama,I guess?”

Teruru ran off and started to enjoy herself since it’s 2 days free thanks for the professor.She went out to the store to get a new pair of headphones that she wanted to get,space themed-headphones for herself.She wanted to smile so wide and be happy but the problem is,she can’t do that for some reason.

“No matter what,I still can’t smile thanks to ‘Him’…Why I can’t just get over it..?”
“But nevermind about that,I’ll get some vanilla ice cream!”


Later on,she arrived at the ice cream store to get some vanilla or cookies and cream.The ice cream man greeted asked her for what flavor that she wanted and That voice…

Teruru realized that voice seemed familiar…

“Lantern Eel-Sama..?”
“Welcome Tellu-chan!We have some specials today!”
“Wait a sec...?You worked here..?!”
“Actually for today though,The bootleg Megaman’s dude circuits broke down for some unknown reason.So I’m in charge of this shop for a while…”
“You mean Gallium..?”
“Yeah I gave that dude that nickname since he looks like megaman but the bootleg version.But anyways,What flavor did ya want?”
“Well okay I guess a Vanilla scoop will do.”

Teruru heard about Gallium’s circuits broke down by an unknown reason.If that’s unknown that means someone snook through his ice cream shop and did something on purpose.This is mysterious yet confusing.But on the bright side,He was being taken to Professor Otowa’s lab and being repaired.Teruru thought that after getting some ice cream,She’ll probably go back to the lab and asked the professor about Gallium’s condition.

“Here you go Teruru-chan,It’s a Vanilla scoop just for you.”
“Ah thank you Lantern Eel-Sama!I should get going now.”
“Thanks and come again kid!”


Teruru finally got some sweet treat while going home.She’d smile if she could but still she can’t so she only can smile in her inner self,at least.She walked pass through the shops in Japan,it’s not that crowded that much but then something catches her eyes.
She saw two boys hanging out together,and thinks that those two are couples.She blushed a little but she’s a little bit happy since she back then wished that she could see a same-sex couple hanging out since Teruru thinks that would be cute just like Hetero-couples being lovey-dovey.

“Wow those guys are cute…I wish I could talk to them…”

Teruru kept saying the same thing in her mind and then a leaf fell off close her nostrils and tickled her.


She sneezed so loud until one man with a dark pale-green jumper saw her.And Teruru realized that she was looked and ran away faster to the lab.Meanwhile,The man with the Jumper asked the other boy beside him if he just saw that Robot.

“Hinata-Kun,Did you see that purple robot with a red scarf just now?”
“Eh?The one that just sneezed and ran away?Why?”
“Nothing,But my luck just showed that robot and it’s rare to find stuffs like this…Haha..But how unfortunate.She ran because of my bad luck.”

          He chuckled when he saw that robot.He thinks that robot reminds him about a certain bunny creature that he met before,The boy wished that he would see the violet-robot again.

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