Thursday, October 31, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 31st Day

This is the first time i finished Inktober and i'm glad that i did it,Heres the art for today's last Inktober day!

Day 31:Halloween

I know this is not that halloween-ish,but Katsu wishes that y'all have a great halloween this year!!

Katsu spends this year's Halloween by looking at the beautiful beach at Florida(probably) during sunset.He'd go trick or treating but most people forgot about him,so Katsu thinks that he should spend the whole Halloween by staying over there...He never got any single Halloween candy for a long time....

Once again,Happy Halloween Guys!!!I hope y'all got many candies!!!

[INKTOBER] - 30th Day

Alumi is such a fun character,i almost forgot about her since i mostly focused on Teruru and Katsu.But i managed to draw her yesterday.

Personally,I think that Teruru fits in this art instead.I agree,but also i realized that i haven't gave Alumi the attention that she deserves.I wanted to draw Teruru in here but i wanted to change it into Alumi.

You know,I always imagining that after events of Taiko Wii 2.I was thinking that even though Alumi is a robot that was built by Dr.Waruru,she thinks that she should kept an eye on Teruru since her other twin still can't get over for what bad things that Waruru did to her.Professor Otowa taught the right things that she should do.Even though she's sad,Alumi just kept smiling.She just doesn't like to show her that she's also sad for things that made her sad,She kept smiling since she is a Mood booster.

This is probably most of you when you're having a breakdown,including myself.Sometimes you had to hide your sadness.I often do it all of the time because i don't like to share personal problems publicly,i mostly don't trust other people that much unless it's my close friends.

[INKTOBER] - 29th Day

It's been a while i haven't draw anything related to Deep-Sea Prisoner/Funamusea related,i love how they drew the characters and the story/game plot goes,So have a Octopus ( • c • )

Day 29:Octopus

Monday, October 28, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 27th and 28th Day

This post is dedicated to TROC(The Race Of Children),I actually watched few of the clips and i think i should catch up lmao

Day 27:Cube

Day 28:Orange

[INKTOBER] 26th Day

Teruru's Scarf reminds me of some sort of country vibes.Imagine if she actually became a cowgirl or some sort of thingymajiggy....?

Day 26:Cowgirl

Friday, October 25, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 25th Day

It's been a while and i miss Taiko Blue version.....I wish i could know more about Katsu as a magician or Wizard-in training...

Day 25:Wizard

Thursday, October 24, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 24th Day

I'm getting less inspired from these days.....So take a bell...i guess?

Day 24:Bell

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 23rd Day

Day 23:Answer

Today's Inktober based on what i've experienced.The story is like when there's sime other school that're trying to compete in Japanese quiz competition,my Japanese teacher just whispered to me like this:

"Imagine that they raise the 'Wrong' and 'Right' sign at the same time!That would be funny if that actually happened!"

Actually it's sounds funny if you imagined it but actually it's getting funnier because it actually happened.We just talked about it a few seconds ago and it actually happened with no context or anything lmao

And also bonus art for this post because why not :^^^)))

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 22nd Day

I want to draw Sobble from the beginning because it's cute though....But finally i managed to draw it owo)/

Day 22:Berry

Monday, October 21, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 20th and 21st Day

Sorry for not posting separate inktober self-prompts but i hope you enjoy it!!!

Day 20:Small Blob

Day 21:Host

[INKTOBER] - 19th Day

Day 19:Marine Life

This one is based on my childhood memories,i had a photo of myself and a dolphin.I wish i could take another photo with one because i think they're friendly towards humans.Not only that,I also drew this because i still remember about the movie called "Dolphin's Tale".The movie was an absolute best tbh.

I was thinking about Katsu at that point when drawing this.I also remembered at WiiU 3 story where Katsu was left on the airport by accident and didn't manage to go to Hawaii,He also took care a lot of animals and give me Zoologist vibe.
Plot twist:
this was supposed to be Katsu's trip on Hawaii with Teruru.Imagine if there's someone took him...So here's the bonus art if you wanna know who took him to Hawaii uwu)/

Saturday, October 19, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 18th Day

I don't have ideas left,But i was thinking that's calming at that point so....have this...
Day 18:Tranquillity

[INKTOBER] - 17th Day

This inktober is dedicated to Inanimate Insanity,The first object show that i watched before BFDI/BFB.At first i'm gonna hate Balloon but after knowing that he got a character development,he finally got into one of my favorite object character!

I also loved Suitcase as a good friend towards Balloon and y'know,He deserved another chance and he'll get that it soon.
Day 17:Free day

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 15th and 16th Day

So i wanted to separate these post but it kinda fits better in here so here we go
Day 15:The Knight

Day 16:The Princess

Let's be honest here,Princess Cookie's outfit(and herself)is hard to draw.But it's fun when you're trying new things at least,why not go out from the comfort zone and practice?

Monday, October 14, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 13th and 14th Day

I'm starting to get confused for new themese lately so take these inktober arts instead

Day 13:Cat

Day 14:Stare

Sunday, October 13, 2019

[INKTOBER] 12th Day

Mizuiro blood is a game that has the same artist for Taiko no tatsujin.I don't know Japanese that much but i had to draw one of the scene where Mizuiro fought with some alien spaceships.It still counts as a personal vent though....

Day 12:Final words

This is the original screenshot that i drew for the 12th Day.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 11th Day

Hello....This post might contain vent stuffs because this inktober describes it.

Day 11:Shattered

It all started when i was working on my college assignment and....i was like talking and played a bit with my two of my friends.I still like kept working with assignment and i didn't stop literally.Then my teacher just accused us for mocking and she thinks it's a bad behavior.Yes,We all know that not everyone likes being mocked,but when it comes to make fun of someone,we didn't use bad words of bad things that made other people feel bad.

Tbh,Cctv these days can be viewed on phone.But sometimes it doesn't mean that i didn't work the assignment.And also it's just feels lonely when you always work with a lot of voice all of the time.

Y'know i'm starting to hate college,i entered in because my teacher from senior high suggested me to do what i can since i'm having fun with it and it's not fun as you expected.

....i'm probably might get out from there on my 20th birthday if possible.Since i'm tired for being misundertsood things.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

[INKTOBER] - 10th Day

Day 10:Plants

"Hoo Hoo!"
I got myself a chance to draw the leaf boy!I was planning to make this as a simple art,but i got carried away;;;

But anyways,i did drew Herby as a sketch on my sketchbook.But i'm not happy w/ the result.So i tried to draw it for the 2nd time and i love how it turned out uwu)/

[INKTOBER] - 8th and 9th Day

This post is a special one because this is an actual art that i drew that's Jojo themed
Day 8:Victory Pose

Day 9:Smoking

During the 8th day of Inktober,i wanted to draw one of my favorite characters from part 3 since it's one of my favorite parts.So i made a quick vote by using the items that reminds me of them(Iggy is also included),they voted "Cherries" the most.That means I should draw Kakyoin for day 8.And then i just saw the poll results that they also voted a lot for "Dolphins",So i decided that i should draw Jotaro for the 9th day ;;v;;

If you don't know why i drew them like this,i was testing certain arstyle that one of my Mutuals did + using Yukiko Yokoo's style.It was fun to do but...It almost killed my phone orz

I also decided to make a matching Icon w/ Yuki on Instagram again since she did it last year a lot uwu

[INKTOBER] - 1st until 7th day

To be honest i totally almost forget to use this website but here's some inktober stuffs with my own prompt!!!

Day 1:Stars

Day 2:Recovery

Day 3:Clown

Day 4:Little Rascal
(Also an AT for alynightstar on IG)

Day 5:Best Friend

Day 6:Weed

Day 7:Hold on Tight

[FANART] Grandfather & GrandDaughter

Thank you for putting him back devsis.I love him so much,including Gingerbright.... Before you're asking why i called Bright is g...