Sunday, March 31, 2019

[FANART] - Strawberry Cookie

Strawberry cookie is Bae #changemymind

But anyways i drew lineless art these days because i haven't done it for a long time though.Somehow i love how i make to do lineless stuffs because it's far more tidier than drawing lineart???????

I was thinking about drawing other cookies that i liked but somewhat my mind kept saying that i should draw her again.I literally loved her so much...I love any character with strawberry themed clothes or stuffs....

Friday, March 29, 2019

[FANART] - Milk cookie

Tmi i made a guild yesterday and holy shit????So many strangers joined in but the good thing is that 4 of my friends joined my guild,I literally made that guild for like a few moments lol??????Probably i should set it private from now on imo

But anyways have Milk cookie lineless art,I wanted to draw Purple Yam cookie but i somewhat failed;;;;So i abandonded the sketch since i'm not happy with the results...

Thursday, March 28, 2019

CROB - New cookie and Guild system!

Hi Guys,Y'know...I've been thinking but i should tell to you that i'm terribly sorry for not updating stuffs and shit,but anyways i'm going to deliver some news today!

Finally they give us a new system and we can join any kinds of guilds in the new update!You also can make a guild of your own,but you have to spend 2000 to make one.I already build my own guild so please send me your id so i could invite you or search my guild's name,'Ichipit Guild'
Pls join i feel lonely lol

And also we get ourself a new cookie & pet,Purple Yam and his pet Firestarter

To unlock them,you must reach land 7 on Trophy race,And i forgot to tell that we got a new treasure!

And also Milk cookie is there too but probably we can get her in the next events i guess....So that's all i'm going to say!

Once again sorry for my absence y'all;;;;

[FANART][COLLAB] - Sore wa chigau yo!!

I can't believe this is my first collab with my rl friend (@707_kuroyuki on Instagram)!She did the sketch and lineart while i did the rest!

Actually there's a long story in this collab.On the 2th day of Nippon day,i'm still staying late since there's 2 celebrities will peform at that time.Then i just noticed that my battery is like 20% so i have to goddamn charge it.

Then she said,"Geb lemme borrow your phone real quick!I had to do something!" Then i was panicked and said,"Wait what dude my battery percentage omfG HOLD ON!"

But she just said that it'll be a quick one.So she opened my drawing app(I use ibis paint x btw) and sketched my crossover like??????I literally don't expect that she would do that????

That's how the story goes,but anyways here's the non text version.

[FANART] Akamatsu Kaede's birthday

Oof i drew this very late but lemme tell y'all that i love Kaede so much,I already doodled her before so i'm going to leave this in here.

Happy birthday my Piano wife🎹

Monday, March 18, 2019

[FANART] - Green Version(1 hour drawing challenge)


Honestly i have mixed feelings when Taiko team said that Battle mode is over once they release green version.I was expecting they would put it back to Green version because that'd be cool...Unfortunately they didn't give another battle mode for Green version ;_;)

But anyways,I'd say that i'm a little bit pleased when they put Hataraku Saibou's opening song.

And about this one hour challenge,They actually didn't decide it this time because they set a vote.I choose 「キセキ」(lit:Miracle) because i love that theme.Unfortunately though,「グリーンバージョン」(lit:Green Version) has the most votes.

I wanted to draw both Taiko brothers but my brain kept saying that i should draw Katsu instead since he's easily forgotten though.

Q&A Session with Ichipit - Part 1

 "Hello!The Name's Ichipit Yoshino!Nice to Meetcha!"

If you're reading this,thanks for sending some question!Ichipit was glad to receive your questions from you guys!

So i opened the Q&A on my IG and FB since i'm not sure if most of my friends will send question on Insta that much so i opened it on FB too.For those who send me questions on FB,i will use your initials or your internet names.

Questions from Instagram

  • From Kanatahiba:"This is random but,what's your recommendation on ice cream flavor?"

"Didja just ask about ice cream?I prefer gelato because it's far natural than usual ice creams that y'all see everyday,But since you're askin' about what flavor that i should recommend to ya...I'd say Strawberry,Matcha and nuts flavored ice creams is heckin' good!"

  • From perneflakes:"Can you dance?"
"Sorry...I can't dance.If i tried,probably i'd step on ya toes..."

  • From vanilla_kuru:
  1. "Favorite music/soundtrack in le game you playing?"
  2. "*_* Favorite color?"
  3. "LOLIS OR SHOTAS? :0"
"First,i love how Taiko team put t+pazolite and GReeeen into the game,if you're readin' this please listen to their albums!"

"Secondly,My favorite color is anythin' that's red or green because i love it soooooooo much!!!"

"And the last question...Sorry i'm not into Lolis or Shotas..."

  • From kayleestarred:
  1. "How was Yuraton as a Friend?"
  2. "On scale 1-10,how scary is it to save your friend from Waruru?"
"Didja ask about Yuu-chan?She's one friendly Taiko even though i could be a total jerk with my savage talk,She still sticks with me as an ol' friend..."

"And about how scary when it comes to dealing with jerks,includin' that Dr. Fuckin' 'No Fun Allowed' Waruru,i'll give ya this ratin' as a honest answer."
"That jerk is gettin' stronger than before and imma piss the fuck outta myself"

  • From trusliem:"Are u continue to college or nah?"
"Nah...I already found my talent and that's gardenin'..."
(Author's note:Yeah i went to college and i took animation lessons tbh)

Questions from Facebook:

  • From Sizzlepop:"WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?!"
"I'm just an average Taiko who's been workin' on a garden for 4 years,even though i'm not admittin' that...Thankie!!
  • From sr.pomidor:"Are u gay?"

"Just kiddin',I'm Pan!"
  • From Fisch:"Can i travel the world with you?Idk what question is this XD"
"I'd love to do that dude,but sadly i don't have that much money,rip our asses my friend..."
  • From HighonCoffee:"Is that a leaf on your head o3o?"
"Yeah,It's a leaf on my head,i could shapeshift into anythin' with it,but i'm still practicin'"
  • From Annie:"Something do you like to eat or do you like cooking??"
"Actually...I only cook jam,includin' strawberry jam...But i don't eat that much..."
  • From Sir-Ghaboot:"Dare to play or watch something horror?
"I don't want to do this alone so please accompany me when it comes to horror stuffs!"
  • From Archimbek:"What's your hobby Ichipit? OwO"

"Gardenin' is my hobby!Please don't forget it dontcha?After all,That's my only specialty!"
  • From Trimint:"Something that you liked to do?"
"Let's see...Honestly i love hangin' out with Yuu-chan,other than that is helpin' Otowa-san with those twin robots or gardenin'."
  • From Zet:"Can i pat you ouo?"
"Well i don't mind but...I prefer hugs..."
  • From Yos:"Can you describe me? XD"
"I'm not good at describin' other creatures or even my own self,sorry cute human.."
(Author's note:You're a good person who tried his best to help people,Keep it up!)
  • From Gergaji mesin:"What game do you like?
"I love Rhythm and RPG genres!"

Thanks for sending some questions to her,and i hope you happy with it!See you on the next Q&A!

Friday, March 15, 2019

[FANART] Crossover - Chibi edition

Heck i've been busy these days and this chibi art killed my health.Honestly the Alumi chibi is kinda odd....

When i posted this on my Insta,almost everyone focused on the background.Yeah i know,it's Komaeda's and Hinata's boxer patterns *wheezes*

Well i'm going to open some Q&A regarding to Ichipit...Probably i'll open session one first...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Nippon Day 2019

Holy shit guys.I've gone to an expo that i always bless those days and heck,it's a blast...

I'm talking about Nippon Day expo that'sbeen going on at my hometown.It's been like 4 years they held this,i don't remember what reason they held this but,probably to celebrate the consulate between Japan and Indo.Please correct me if i'm wrong;;;;;

Last year they bring Haruka from JKT48 including one artist from AFI series,and now they bring back Hiroaki Kato(he participated the first one but he came back),Kimura Akira the magician comedian and A cosplayer named Ola Aphrodite.This event doesn't include weeb stuffs all of the time,but it's also bring some Japanese cultures like Making mochi,Shodo,etc.

Honestly i don't expect that many people to come but what a day.Honestly i didn't expect to meet a lot of people over there but it's a ton of people!

I got a chance to meet Kimura Akira on the 2nd day.Here's the photo of him with some of my friends

The one with blue and plkadot T-shirt is your local trashy jerk

Thanks for this year!I hope the next Nippon day will be more and more fun!

Friday, March 8, 2019

[No.7] Chapter 2 - Day Off and Unique Boys

I totally forgot to tell that there'll be a double post.But still i hope you liked it though...

Teruru still can’t believe she just quitted at her own Job,she knew that it’s a big decision for her.For Teruru,Life is getting more and more desperate after Maou and Katsu forgot about bothering her,but she still not giving up after she got her freedom from Dr.Waruru’s controls.So she will try again until she get what she wanted.
          She went to Otowa’s lab today for another work.Once she arrived at the lab,Otowa greeted her as usual and he wants to tell something to her.

“Teruru,I know you just quitted at your job.No need to explain for that but…You’re okay with this?”
“It’s okay professor,The boss missed me but he welcomed me if I returned.”
“Look kid,If you still tired from thinking too much yesterday,Alumi told me that you should get a day off.”

Teruru froze for a second.Day off???She thought that this is a dream but actually it’s not.It’s an actual day off.She shook her head as a result of being surprised and happy.
“Yes it’s a day off for you for 2 days.”
“Is it ok Otowa-Sama?Who’s going to be in charge of-“
Before Teruru can finish her words,The professor cut her conversation.And hands over some money around 3000 yens for her to spend during day off.

”Alumi-chan said that she’s going to be in charge with it.She’s not working at the studio since there’s some technical difficulties going on for a week.So don’t worry,go out there and have fun for today and tomorrow!”
“…Thank you Otowa-Sama,I guess?”

Teruru ran off and started to enjoy herself since it’s 2 days free thanks for the professor.She went out to the store to get a new pair of headphones that she wanted to get,space themed-headphones for herself.She wanted to smile so wide and be happy but the problem is,she can’t do that for some reason.

“No matter what,I still can’t smile thanks to ‘Him’…Why I can’t just get over it..?”
“But nevermind about that,I’ll get some vanilla ice cream!”


Later on,she arrived at the ice cream store to get some vanilla or cookies and cream.The ice cream man greeted asked her for what flavor that she wanted and That voice…

Teruru realized that voice seemed familiar…

“Lantern Eel-Sama..?”
“Welcome Tellu-chan!We have some specials today!”
“Wait a sec...?You worked here..?!”
“Actually for today though,The bootleg Megaman’s dude circuits broke down for some unknown reason.So I’m in charge of this shop for a while…”
“You mean Gallium..?”
“Yeah I gave that dude that nickname since he looks like megaman but the bootleg version.But anyways,What flavor did ya want?”
“Well okay I guess a Vanilla scoop will do.”

Teruru heard about Gallium’s circuits broke down by an unknown reason.If that’s unknown that means someone snook through his ice cream shop and did something on purpose.This is mysterious yet confusing.But on the bright side,He was being taken to Professor Otowa’s lab and being repaired.Teruru thought that after getting some ice cream,She’ll probably go back to the lab and asked the professor about Gallium’s condition.

“Here you go Teruru-chan,It’s a Vanilla scoop just for you.”
“Ah thank you Lantern Eel-Sama!I should get going now.”
“Thanks and come again kid!”


Teruru finally got some sweet treat while going home.She’d smile if she could but still she can’t so she only can smile in her inner self,at least.She walked pass through the shops in Japan,it’s not that crowded that much but then something catches her eyes.
She saw two boys hanging out together,and thinks that those two are couples.She blushed a little but she’s a little bit happy since she back then wished that she could see a same-sex couple hanging out since Teruru thinks that would be cute just like Hetero-couples being lovey-dovey.

“Wow those guys are cute…I wish I could talk to them…”

Teruru kept saying the same thing in her mind and then a leaf fell off close her nostrils and tickled her.


She sneezed so loud until one man with a dark pale-green jumper saw her.And Teruru realized that she was looked and ran away faster to the lab.Meanwhile,The man with the Jumper asked the other boy beside him if he just saw that Robot.

“Hinata-Kun,Did you see that purple robot with a red scarf just now?”
“Eh?The one that just sneezed and ran away?Why?”
“Nothing,But my luck just showed that robot and it’s rare to find stuffs like this…Haha..But how unfortunate.She ran because of my bad luck.”

          He chuckled when he saw that robot.He thinks that robot reminds him about a certain bunny creature that he met before,The boy wished that he would see the violet-robot again.

[No.7] Chapter 1 - The Robot

Finally i could post this asap because i kept the story file inside this college's computer for so long...I've been busy for the past few days and i'm still trying to continue the story tbh.But i hope you enjoyed it!

It’s been a while after every robot is free from Dr.Waruru’s control,including Alumi and Teruru.These days are better for each robot thanks to Professor Otowa,Don and Katsu.Alumi now works at the studio as a news announcer,Teruru works as a cleaning duty and also a secret agent alongside with Katsu and Maou.Even they have big jobs like that,they still helped Otowa to keep a lookout for Waruru since they still have a grudge on him.
What happened to the rest of the robots?Antimon is working to help children at the festival happy,Yttrium finally joined the singing section for the festival crowd,Gallium&Germa works as a food committee,and Tantal&Tungsten helped people with their heavy loads.
One day,Teruru went back to the lab very early.Alumi was very surprised about her own decision that she actually quits at her own job as a secret agent.
“But why Though?I thought you liked to work in there?You have Kat-chan and Maou-san as your friends right-Ro?”
Teruru felt a little bit down when she ask about that,She made Alumi feel more and more worried about herself.Teruru knew that she’s Alumi’s other twin but 24 hours younger.She shouldn’t make her more and more worried.

“Alumi,it’s ok.I still have my cleaning job right?”Said Teruru with a smile
“Yeah but…”
“The boss said that if I want to come back,He’ll accept me back.I’m fine but I think I need to take some jobs easy.”
“I’ve not meet your boss and wow he’s very kind to you though…But still if something happens please tell me ok?I can help you anytime Teruru-Nanora!”

Teruru nodded and started to clean the whole lab.

After finished cleaning,She started to feel a little bit guilty for not telling Alumi the truth.Teruru made an excuse on purpose,so Alumi won’t ask another question.She did that so she don’t have to worry about Her being left alone at the agency after Maou and Katsu didn’t bother her anymore.Teruru quitted her job not because she’s jealous with their popularity,but she just wanted them to work together with her again like old times.
“Alumi I know that you’re worried but I’m very sorry if I had to lie again.”She whispered to herself.
          She’s done with the cleaning and now,she can go home.She said a farewell to both Otowa and Alumi before going home.Huh?Teruru’s home you’re asking?Actually she made another lie,but this is an old one.She does have a home but she didn’t live at any sort of apartement or any livable places,She lived in a Dumpster.
“Whew…I’m home I guess...?”
          Teruru let out an sigh and lay down on the old matress and there’s a few pillows that has the stuffings went out that she always use,at least she can sleep since it’s pretty reuseable.Beside her there’s a clover plant,A magic clover plant.Teruru’s own lucky charm and friend.Some people would call him a weirdo for having this plant.Yttrium kept suggesting the other robots except Alumi to don’t come near her.Even though she said that the plant made her lucky,nobody thinks that’s true.Does Luck are myths?For most people but not for Teruru.                            

“I know I’m a weirdo for that…So that’s why I don’t have friends huh..?Someday I’ll prove to them that it’s real.”

          The robot took a book and it’s a personal old journal.She then took a pen and start writing about her life as usual.She can’t express her feelings that much,Dr.Waruru made her suffer too much and it made her can’t express anything that she felt because y’know what most bad humans say…’Robots doesn’t have feelings’,Nuff said.
          She wrote a lot of things in her journal,it contains a lot of old past memories from the beginning of her life.

          ‘[Day 001XX,0X March 20XX]’

          ‘Today is between worst and good day.I don’t know where should I start but I quitted at my own job that I love thanks to Maou-sama and Kat-chan for leaving me behind.As a result I wasn’t being bothered by them anymore.It was a big decision that I made,but I had to because I don’t want to be jealous of them since everyone praised them a lot.At least my boss still watched over me.He’s somehow very kind to let me go,but he’s somehow regretted for doing that.’
          ‘Once I got back to the lab,Alumi started to ran towards me and got worried when I told her that I quitted at the agency.But I told her that the boss still welcomes me if I come back.That’s the truth but I didn’t tell her the whole truth.I sometimeskept asking why she cared about me.Maybe because we’re twins or..?’
          ‘I’m still not sure about that but if Alumi found out that I lived in a dumpster or anybody else,probably she’ll be pissed for that.I can’t tell the actual reason about why I lived in here.But still,tomorrow is another day and I hope this magic clover plant that I found on the other day gives me better things.’
Teruru finished writing things that happened today on the journal.She didn’t only hope for a better tomorrow,but she also hoped that she could meet someone new that could treat her as a friend,at least or whatever that's nice.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

[FANART] BT21 Mascots

Okay,since i'm also a big fan of BTS since last year,i can't believe i never draw all of their mascots before(I drew Van once honestly).But that's not the only reason i drew them.

There'll be Nippon Day expo at my place,so i had to make a few souvenirs so i asked some of my college friends what character that's still popular among most people,so i picked BT21 mascots.

This took me like almost a day to finish because i'm super slow as heck but here's the non-college version.

They're not in order so i'm sorry oof








Monday, March 4, 2019

[FANART] Van from BT21

Tmi i drew this at the college and finished it at my house for some final details.I drew Van because my friend said that it's a good idea for making some fan merch to sell for my college's re-grand opening since BT21 is pretty popular(???)

I wanted to draw RJ the alpaca since i love fluffy animals but somewhat Van just took my attention though lmao.

Btw if you liked my artworks please supportme by buying me a ko-fi!

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Since i haven't write a proper FAQ,let me clear it up by using this post.

1.Can i use your art for my icon?

Yes you can,As long as you credit me properly.Please don't use my art as an icon if you don't know that i made it on my own.Thank you.

2.When are you going to finish your story or stuffs?

Please be patient.I'm trying my best to finish it but sometimes i could be busy with other stuffs,so keep your patience up

3.Do you do art requests?
Sorry.No art requests.I had trauma with it.

4.Do you do art trades?
I'm not sure about it but i'd open one if i want to

5.What kind of ship do you like?
I'm a person who likes M/M ships mostly but i also into M/F and F/F ships.Crackship too but not that much.

6.Can i draw your Original character?
OH YES please do!

7.Can i repost your art?
Yes you may,But ask permission or credit me.

8.Do you do commisions?
Yes but if i say it's available

Probably i'll update more if it's possible so thanks for reading!

[FANART] Happy Birthday Don and Katsu

To be honest i'm not the one who always draw Don-chan very often because i often pay attention to Kat-chan very often since Don-chan is too overrated than him smh.But anyways i drew these two because we all know that it's these two's birthday.

Happy birthday you two,I hope Don-chan give his younger twin to shine in the next story mode or stuffs..


I totally forgot that they shared the same birthday as Fukawa Toko from Danganronpa yIKES

Friday, March 1, 2019

[FANART] You're not alone [UPDATE]No.7 - Crossover Story

To be honest,this is my old art back in January and yeah i have no motivations to draw at this point so please forgive me.

And also i'm planning to post my crossover story called "No.7",one of irl friends at the college encouraged me to make the story about it since she liked my crossover,so yeah i made the story since my rl friend told me to do it and i'm planning to post chapter 1 and 2 today.

So in each chapter i'll put the same warning like this below:

  • This story might contain some spoiler from the game,please play Taiko Wii2 or SDR2 first before reading my crossover story.
  • Might be Out of context since it's a goddamn crossover.
  • Game has personal shippings and headcanons so please watch out.
  • Crossover included.I know i already warn this but i have to tell you again
Thanks for reading this.

[FANART] Grandfather & GrandDaughter

Thank you for putting him back devsis.I love him so much,including Gingerbright.... Before you're asking why i called Bright is g...